A United Industry Growing Stronger Together


The surf industry is driven by a growing, passionate, and vibrant customer base of participants in the United States.

Surfonomics is how we define the financial scale and impact of surfing on the global economy.

35 Million Surfers

Depend on our industry to protect our oceans.


Surfing generates more than $50 billion in economic activity.


Surf tourism is on the rise and now accounts for more than $65 billion in spending


The SIMA Environmental Fund’s annual Waterman’s Gala has generated more than $9 million to support environmental groups.


A healthy surf zone can generate an average of $18 million annually.



SIMA membership not only ensures your voice is heard but also actively contributes to the well-being and sustainable growth of the surf industry. Join us in making a difference for your company, the industry, and the environment.

What We Do

SIMA is a collaborative community where leaders work together to build a strong foundation for the surf industry. We offer networking opportunities, research reports, educational programming, and innovative sustainability solutions that benefit both businesses and the environment.

Membership Benefits

Being a SIMA member means actively contributing to the industry's strength and growth. Members have a direct impact on conversations about ocean protection, business sustainability, public policy, humanitarian causes, and professional surfing. SIMA membership fosters collaboration among industry leaders, ensuring a collective effort toward shared goals.

What Your Membership Makes Happen

Your SIMA membership directly supports crucial initiatives such as ocean environment protection, business sustainability programs, industry research, educational programming, surf-related humanitarian causes, and collaboration on vital industry issues. By joining SIMA, you contribute to positive change in the surfing community and beyond.

What Your Membership Gets You

Unlock a range of benefits with your SIMA membership, including access to industry research, educational programming, participation in ocean environmental protection and public policy efforts, and support for humanitarian outreach programs.